Dr. Kim Hung Mo talk at HNU

30 Nov 2017


Senior Lecturer Centre for Innovative Construction Technology
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Email : khmo@um.edu.my
Tel : +60379677678
Website: https://umexpert.um.edu.my/khmo.html
Date : Thursday, November 30th, 2017
Time : 3 – 4 pm
Venue : College of Civil Engineering, B210
Lightweight concrete possesses several advantages such as reduced self-weight and enhanced insulating properties which therefore represents a potential alternative for conventional concrete. As such, there is growing number of researches carried out on lightweight concrete in recent times. The type of lightweight concrete varies from non-structural insulating up to structural grade, depending on the usages. Based on the research in University of Malaya, this presentation will focus on the development of lightweight concretes targeted for various applications, namely structural lightweight concrete, insulating lightweight concrete and ultra-lightweight concrete. The findings will be addressed in the main themes of the presentation which includes: 1) opportunity for inclusion of local waste and by-products for eco-friendly structural lightweight concrete 2) advantageous properties of non-structural lightweight concrete and 3) development of performance-based ultra-lightweight cementitious composite.
About the Speaker
Dr. Kim Hung Mo is currently a senior lecturer with the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Upon obtaining his PhD from University of Malaya in 2015, he served as a post-doctoral fellow before joining the university as academic staff in 2016. His research interests include development of eco-friendly concrete from recycled wastes, lightweight concrete as well as alkali-activated materials for concrete. He is also involved in the research of using fibre-based materials in concrete, such as fibre reinforced cementitious composites and textile reinforced mortar. Till date, his works were published in more than 30 Science Citation Index (SCI) journal papers. Dr. Mo has also served as a reviewer in a number of journals, which include Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, to name a few. He is also active in the local concrete community, serving as a committee member of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Malaysia Chapter, as well as being part of the organizing committee member of International Highest Early Strength Self-Consolidating Concrete Competition (i-HESSCCC) 2016, Malaysian Concrete Canoe Competition (MCCC) 2017 and the 14th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology (CONCET) 2018.